About the Speaker: Judy Hannah currently holds dual appointments as Professor of Geology at the AIRIE Program, Colorado State University, and the Institute of Geosciences, University of Oslo. With a PhD from the University of California at Davis, she held earlier positions at the US Geological Survey, University of Vermont, and the US National Foundation before coming to Colorado State as Department Head in 1996. Her 40-year career has spanned interdisciplinary studies in tectonics, field geology in complex volcano-sedimentary terranes, fluid-rock interactions, and trace element and isotope geochemistry. Twenty years ago, she began working with Dr. Holly Stein, founder of the AIRIE Program, who opened doors to use of two uncommon elements, rhenium and osmium, to the study of crustal sulfides and ore genesis. Judy began investigating rhenium-osmium behavior in organic matter, which also concentrates this parent-daughter isotope pair, and exploring major steps in the evolution of life on Earth. Always seeking "research you can use," Holly and Judy developed applications for the petroleum industry, including dating black shales to aid in basin-scale and global correlations, and tracing hydrocarbon maturation and migration through time.