Committed to educationWIPS’ purpose is educational. As volunteers, members attend shows and other earth science events to provide education to the broader public. On field trips, they sometimes work under federal permit to see that vertebrate and scientifically significant fossils go to museums. WIPS members have accessioned lots of fossils across Colorado and nearby states! | |
Committed to ethicsOur members follow a code of ethics that includes supporting its members in staying informed about regulations pertaining to fossil collection policies, practices, and legislation.In addition, WIPS field trips are conducted with an awareness of resource management, taking care that localities are not strained by over-collection. | |
Committed to paleontologyJoin us if you would like to develop your skills and knowledge as an avocational paleontologist, offer education to the broader public, and participate in the ethical, and fascinating, practice of paleontology. |
Next monthly meetingMonday, January 6, 2025Clements Center 1580 Yarrow Street, Lakewood, Colorado and on Zoom. Gabi Rosetto Harris Paleontologist, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, will be speaking about her research and upcoming events at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Please see the Program flier for more information. |