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About Our Newsletter

Advertise in Trilobite Tales
Submit an Article
Submit a Science Event

Our official member publication, Trilobite Tales, is published nine months a year from September to May, with occasional special editions during the summer months. A subscription to Trilobite Tales is one of the benefits of membership in the Western Interior Paleontological Society (WIPS).

Each issue typically includes information about our programs and activities, announcements and other items of interest to members:

- Calendar of nature and science-related events
- Field trip schedules and reports
- Feature articles by our members and other authors
- Kids' Quarry column and updates from the PaleoZone, WIPS' fossil club for young paleontologists.

Accessing the Newsletter

Trilobite Tales is posted in the Member Login & Renewals area and available to members as a pdf file. Each month, members also receive an email notice with a link to the current month's edition.

Science & Nature Events Calendar

WIPS lists upcoming earth science events and educational opportunities in its newsletter. If you would like to notify us of an event that might be of interest to our members, send the information to the

Submitting Articles

WIPS members are encouraged to submit news items, field trip reports, book and literature reviews, and articles about paleontology for the newsletter. Articles from non-member authors can sometimes be included (depending on content and space available). Suggested feature article length is 700 to 1500 words with three to six images/figures (file formats accepted include jpg, tiff, bitmap or eps). Submit articles to the

Advertising Rates

Display advertising in Trilobite Tales is an affordable way to reach our approximately 500 members — people who are passionate about paleontology and the earth sciences. Monthly rates are listed below. Please note that no "fossils for sale" advertising is accepted.

Full page; $30 Half page; $20 Quarter page; $8 Business card size; $4